Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

  • 4 Causes of Cracked Paint on Exterior Walls

    Have you ever walked near a building and noticed paint cracking or peeling off the walls? This is a sign of poor maintenance or a job that wasn't well done. Under certain conditions, paint can crack and slowly chip or peel off the surface. This ends up exposing underlying layers to damage, not to mention that the building will appear unattractive and unprofessional. To prevent this from happening on your premises, here are 4 common causes of cracked paint and how you can avoid this issue.

About Me

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Welcome to my blog, My name is Sarah. I have five kids, eight chickens, three dogs, a kitten and several animals in cages. It is certainly busy and chaotic, but I love my 'circus'. However, it makes one of my favourite hobbies, decorating, fairly challenging. However, I love to live in beautiful spaces, and as I crave change on a regular basis, I am always keen to repaint or put new wallpaper in parts of my home. Through research, trial and error, I have learned to paint, wallpaper and decorate around and through chaos. If your home is busy, don't let that stop you. Just check out my posts for tips and ideas.
